Electric charge

Electric charge:

Charge is the property associated with matter due to which it produces and experience electrical and magnetic effect.The excess or deficiency electrons in a body gives the concept of charge.

Types of charge:
1. positive charge: It is deficiency of electrons as compared to protons.
2. Negative charge: It is excess of electrons as compared to proton.
S.I. Unit of charge is Coulomb
Dimensions: [A T]
1C = 3 x 10^9 stat coulomb,
 1 absolute coulomb= 10C,
1 faraday = 96500C

Specific property of charge:
- Charge is a scalar quantity .
- Charge is transferable.
- charge is always associated with mass.
- Charge is quantised. Q=ne
- Charge is conserved.
- Charge is invariant.


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